Saturday, February 17, 2007


So lately we've been talking about doing our basement over. We want to get a lot of expensive equipment, but we do not want to leave it open for anyone to come after and possibly steal, you know? So we have been looking into getting a Security System. We came across this one called LaserShield. It seems really cool and I think you guys might want to check it out. This is a portable security system. It's so cool and easy to install. This LaserShield security system is expandable, meaning it could connect to multiple systems and it has 24/7 monitoring, meaning it is just PERFECT for my plan to put in in our basement. Also my father is looking to install this system in his office. There is a keychain alarm and a wireless unit. You guys could find this at your local Comp USA, Home Depot, Costco, KMart, Montgomery Ward, Sears and many more places. Check it out! You'll love it!

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