Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Hi all. I was on the internet and I came across a very unusual site that may be of interest to all of you.
Theory of Everything put simply, is a thoery of everything. here is some background on it,
The Flucidity website's goal is to do to science and discovery what Microsoft's Windows OS did to the computer industry. Put another way, to take it out of the exclusive domain of scientists and researchers and make it useful to the average person, average meaning most of the human population. Only when it is accessible to most everyone of average intelligence, could we have rapid evolution in the fields of personal, commercial, scientific, and social study for which it is meant to be used and useful.
Flucidity simply put,is a new way of thinking. It is what scientists call a "theory of everything" except that unlike any huge theory, flucidity can actually be applied to everything, not just physics. It is also easy enough for anyone to understand and can even be used for the very simple as well as the very complex. You need to check out this site and see just how interesting it is.
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