Thursday, May 10, 2007

PPP Love

Hey guys. I was on the computer this afternoon and I came across a site that I had to pass on to you all.
word of mouth marketing is a site dealing with PPP and why do I love it. Well for starters I have been a part of PPP for about three or four months. I have made approximately two thousand dollars. I just can not believe it. I enjoy blogging on the computer anyway and to be making some extra money to is awesome for me. I am beginning college in the fall, yeah me, no more high school, so any money that I make with PPP is going towards my tuition and books. PPP has really given me a help with that bill. I hope to continue with PPP while in college too. I will be leaving for college in about three months. My parents are going to really miss me and I them, but I am not going too far. Thank you so much PPP. Your site is awesome.

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