Friday, March 9, 2007

Ragdoll Cats

Hey guys. I was on the computer and came across a site that I thought I should pass on to you.

ragdoll cats is the perfect site for anyone looking to purchase that special cat. Here is a little background, the ragdoll cat is a large, powerful cat generally weighing 15 to 20 pounds. The body is long, broad and solid with a large head. His ears are wide set and moderately flared with rounded tips. Slow to develop, ragdolls attain their full size and weight at around three years of age. This cat may be just what you want. Be warned though, they do require alot of grooming of their coats. Also be prepared to spend between 400 to 750 dollars. They are very expensive, but to some, worth every penney. Check out the site to learn more.
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